mercredi 16 mars 2016

Painting the Interior

                     HGTV Color Splash
I know, I know, it's a SIN to paint the wood we sailboat. When we people Told That We planned to paint all the wood inside, We Were met with comments Such As 'Goal wood is so beautiful!' and 'you can not, it's traditional!'. Yes wood trim is beautiful, in my opinion a goal 33 'boat is not the ideal place to showcase dark wood (not to mention the upkeep of it all). We Both wanted a fresh, bright space That felt more like a beach cottage than a log cabin.

I started by sanding everything to rough it up a bit and remove Any varnish / oil That Was left. Then I could prevail on everything. The wood paneling Was the easy part. I used Kilz 2 qui worked fine and is a lot less than Fumey Kilz Original. I tried the Kilz 2 on the trim, purpose It Was not strong enough to block the wood tannins from bleeding through (even after-3 coats) so I got some Kilz Original and that worked great. It's based oil and smells horrible, it does the job intended. Open the harbor lights and wear a respirator Otherwise it will Kilz you ...

Then after-deliberating over paint colors for months, We Bought 5 shades of exterior latex house paint in a semi-gloss. Since I wanted the trim to be super durable, I Decided to paint it with white paint in Danboline bilge. That stuff is amazing! I fell in love with it after-painting the bilge / engine room and Realizing how great it covered up and Held. I'm Told it is only sold in some countries Because of the high toxicity, the purpose stuff works. . No gumminess and it dries hard as a rock

And just in case your husband is 6'4 "and is Typically covered in oil / grease / diesel, cleans it all up very Easily with a Clorox wipe.   

What we used:
  • Original Kilz
  • Royal Exterior Latex Paint by Ace (Semi-Gloss)  in The Following colors
    • A38-2 Carthage (light aqua on walls)
    • A38-5 Forgotten Secret (medium aqua one storage cabinet)
    • A40-7 Imaginary Day (dark turquoise on bathroom door)
    • A29-5 Lemon Grass (greenish yellow in bedroom)
    • A16-6 Mango Tango (orange in kitchen nook and corner)

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